Hostel fee

Hostel Fee

A: Caution Money: Rs. 7000/- (Refundable)

B: Annual Charges:
S.No Particulars Amount in Rs.
1 Admission fee 200/-
2 Hostel Development Charges 600/-
3 Identity card and night leave book 60/-
4 WUS Health Centre Charges 240/-
5 SWA fund /Cultural activities/ Sports fee 1250/-
6 Other fees & charges* 8100/-
Total   10450/-
C: Quarterly Charges  
S.No Particulars Amount in Rs.
7 Room rent 300/-
8 Housekeeping & Security expenses 4280/-
9 Garden and Lawns maintenance 600/-
10 Other Miscellaneous expenses** 3200/-
Total   8380/-
D: Mess Charges  
11 Mess advance (one time) 3500/-
12 Monthly mess bill*** 2888/- (Including 5% GST)

*The membership of the University Health Centre is mandatory and provided by the University. No waiver will be provided to any resident based on the claim that the resident will not use the said facility.

**Annual electricity charge/ M/o Electrical accessories/ M/o Furniture/ Establishment   Charges/ General Maintenance/ Common Facilities, (Garbage collection charges goes to MCD) etc.

*** Mess charges will be revised depending on the new mess contract.
The mess advance will be adjusted in the month a resident leaves the Hostel. No interest will be paid on mess advance.
The total amount payable at the time of admission:A + B + C + D = 7000+10450+8380+3500= Rs. 29330/-
The Electricity charges can be revised subject to increase in NDPL rates.

Charges which are not levied at present but will be charged annually only when the services will be provided.
S.No Particulars Amount in Rs.
1 Computer charges     1000/-
2 Wi-Fi system 600/-
Total   1600/-

DU bonafide Students who have filled the admission/application form of the Hostel, may be accommodated as guests on vacant seats after regular admissions are over and they will be required to pay the following charges:

Caution Money: Rs. 5000/- (Refundable)

            Amount in Rs. per month

S. No.


Amount in Rs. per month


Monthly Charges****



Mess advance - Rs. 3500/-

Mess charges - Rs. 2888/- (Including 5% GST per month)

 ****The guest residents are required to pay one-time charge of Rs. 700/- for the cultural activities at the time of admission.


DU bonafide Students who have not filled the admission/application form of the Hostel, may be accommodated on payment of per day guest charges. Such requests will be considered on case to case basis by the Hostel Authorities.

(Payment should be made in advance) Amount in Rs. per day.



Amount in Rs. per day


Lodging and other charges 



Guest (From other Universities or institutions for attending conferences etc.)

(Payment should be made in advance) Amount in Rs. per day




Amount in Rs. per day


Lodging and other charges
