Timing of Mess & Dining Hall

Time of Mess & Dining Hall  

The mess and dining hall will run on contract basis. The accounts of the mess shall be controlled by the Hostel office. A Mess Committee consisting of the Warden, Resident Tutor, Block Tutors and Students’ representatives, along with the Mess Contractor will decide the menu and other details in the beginning of term. The same has to be approved by the Provost.
Mess Committee and Mess Duties of Residents
The mess will be run under the general supervision of the Housekeeper, Warden and the Provost. The residents of the Hostel are expected to extend co-operation in running the Mess through the Mess Committee.
Mess duties of residents are compulsory and will be assigned by the House Keeper and the Warden. No resident shall proceed on leave with any pending Mess duty. Mess duty girls along with Housekeeper are required to:
  1. Report on duty at least 30 min. before each meal.
  2. Supervise the preparations of food in the kitchen.
  3. Check the proper cleaning of utensils.
  4. Keep a check on resident/worker regarding pilferage of utensils/food items
  5. Perform at least three mess duties in an academic year. Those who fail to perform the mess duties will be charged a fine of Rs. 300/- at the end of the session/academic year.
Mess Timings:
Breakfast : 07.30 am to 09.30 am (On working days)
08.00 am to 10.00 am (On Sunday and other holidays)
Lunch* : 12.30 pm to 02.30 pm
Evening tea : 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm
Dinner : 07.30 pm to 09.30 pm
* Packed lunch will be given to resident/s in their own tiffin provided the request for the same is made during evening tea of the previous day. A register to this effect will be available in the Dining Hall.
Mess Rebate

Rebate on mess charges in case of absence with permission from the Hostel Authorities are as follows:

No rebate is admissible for absence from the Hostel for less than 7 consecutive days excluding the days of departure and arrival.

During a Quarter, a maximum of 15 days rebate @75% of the mess bill would be admissible. In one academic year, a maximum of 45 days rebate @ 75% of mess bill will be admissible, including University vacations.

For research students, In addition to 45 days, for field work as recommended by the supervisor and Head of the Department a maximum of 30 days mess rebate may be admissible in an academic year. No further waiver/rebate will be provided to any resident in this regard.

The residents have to apply for mess rebate on the prescribed form and get it signed by the House Keeper/Warden/Resident Tutor before proceeding on leave. If a student fails to apply for rebate before proceeding on leave, her application will not be entertained under any circumstance.

The mess may remain closed during the summer vacation.

Mess Charges for a Guest per meal per day
Breakfast : Rs. 35/-
Lunch /dinner : Rs. 50/-
Tea & Snacks : Rs. 15/-
Note: Mess Guest Coupon charges are liable to change from time to time depending on menu, and as fixed from time to time by the Mess Committee.
Rules for Mess and Dining Hall
Food will not be served to the residents outside the Dining Hall. Food cannot be taken by the residents outside the Dining Hall without permission. In case of sickness, a resident may be allowed to have her diet in her room with prior permission of the Warden/Resident Tutor/Block Tutor. No utensils will be allowed to be taken out of the mess. In case of violation of this rule, the resident will be liable to disciplinary action.
A resident, who desires to entertain a female guest in the Dining Hall, shall purchase the requisite coupon, on production of her Hostel Identity Card.
Sale of coupons will be limited to the availability of food and will be sold on first come first serve basis.
Wastage of food is strictly forbidden and will be punished with a minimum fine of Rs. 100/- per meal.